
Hello world!

Hello friends! I’m so so so excited to have The Thrifty Flipper up and running! I’ve had this idea bouncing around in my head for some time now.  As I have built my creative business I have gained so many amazing friends in the business along the way. I love being able to share tips, ideas, support and the occasional good deal with my fellow flippers and creative entrepreneur .  Running a creative business can be the most rewarding career but it can also have a small margin for profits and available money for overhead. Being able to cut costs without cutting corners can make or break a small business trying to break out into its own.  Facebook groups are great for connecting with others and sharing ideas but so often they are rigid and full of rules and regulations that, while they can help keep the board from becoming “spammy”,  they can also limit the information being shared. So many times I would come across an AMAZING deal on something but be unable to share it with all my friends due to the politics of “no links, no promotions (even though it wouldn’t be my personal sale) ect.  Thus The Thrifty Flipper was born. A place where creative entrepreneurs and makers can find a comprehensive list of the most current sales, giveaways, and discounts available on the products they use! Because lets face it….every dollar saved helps go towards our bottom line!!!

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