
How to stage furniture using Instagram AI feature.

Hello everyone! I recently stumbled onto the Instagram AI feature in the stories tab and found it to be easy to use and helpful for staging my furniture pieces using my iPhone. I wanted to create a little blog tutorial for those of you who are interested in trying it! I’m not tech savvy in the least so bear with me haha! First I start with a clear, well lit photo of the piece I want to stage. I take these in my garage which isn’t the prettiest setting.

Brightly lit, centered photo taken in my garage,

I then head over to my Instagram app and tap the plus symbol in the middle and tap the story tab.

Opened story tab

Once there, I click the bottom left square to open my camera roll (you can see my photo in the window) After selecting my photo I want to use my screen looks like this:

After uploading photo

Next step is to click the first circle up top with the little person and square behind them. once you click that the AI staging will do some calculating and your screen should look like this

AI working it magic to remove the background

Once it has finished your piece should be completely removed from the background like this

Ready for AI

Now you can start ideas for staging. It will automatically populate some ideas for you below but I usually type in ideas on the search box. For this example I will use “white living room with wood floors”

Working its magic

It will immediately give you two options to choose from. Now, this isn’t always quite right- sometimes the sizing is off or the setting will be weird

Option one and two (choose at bottom)

Now, this isn’t always quite right- sometimes the sizing is off or the setting will be weird. At the bottom left there is a circle arrow symbol. When this is tapped the AI will populate a new option. I usually populate at least 10 and then scroll back through to choose my favorite.

You can see all the populated ones at the bottom. Easily toggle back to a previous one.

Here is another example using the same photo but a different search topic. This time I used “boho cottage living room wood floor”

Trying a new search setting

I love how the AI can take the theme and weave it into the photo.

Boho cottage setting.

You can type in so many themes depending on the look you are going for. Think “coastal cottage living room” “modern mansion” “farmhouse chic bedroom”- the possibilities are endless.

One thing to keep a watch for is sometimes the AI will change your furniture a little bit. I’ve had it ad feet where no feet are, change trim or change the angle of something. You want to be sure it’s not changed your piece at all especially if it’s something you will be selling.

Once you have narrowed your favorite photo down simply screen shot it from your story and crop out the story icons. I don’t actually post these to my story, just use the story tab to create it. I then watermark it and post it to my page and blog.

I have even gone back to some older photos and redone the staging using this feature to give a whole new look and feel to repost past projects! It’s so fun!!!

I liked this one
Cropping it down after screen shot

I hope this helped out a little! Let me know in the comments if you have any questions or any tips to add!

Stay Thrifty ✌️


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